The MUST TRY Vegetarian Pre-Made Meal Delivery Service

Problem: How to eat better foods and not skip meals due to poor planning  

Problem: Avoiding unhealthy fast foods filled with hormone disrupting chemicals, toxic additives and migraine causing meals

Problem: The time it takes to prepare 3 meals a day while also working full time and not getting home until 6pm

Problem: Single parenting that brings multiple urgent tasks needing to be done at the same time- do I review homework or make dinner?  Do we clean or take a walk? Do I read to him or send him to bed because he has 11-hour days? Do I play with him or send him to take a shower because we get average of 2 hours upon arrival to fit in everything before he needs to be getting to bed….no partner to help or family, so there is a juggling act of priorities that need to be balanced daily. Quick meals are a must!

Goal: Find a solution that saves time, money, supports a healthy lifestyle and does not involve eating out blowing through my food budget. Eating out is rarely helpful as a working mom as it takes time driving (traffic in big city is a time suck), parking in a big city can be beast, and the extra time it takes dining in I can’t spare.  There is also the extra cost of tipping which can make eating out with kids astronomical for ONE meal. Restaurant delivery often includes delivery fees plus tipping, and unpredictable arrival times.

As a modern mom and working woman, managing my time and money are crucial to my success as a parent.  I am always seeking ways to live a healthier lifestyle and that includes balancing the needs of my son, home, myself and corporate sales job.  One of the biggest sources of strain can be the time and money involving meal preparation.  During one of the worst times of our modern lives with Covid life and school shut down with no notice or childcare options, I began skipping meals due to time and exhaustion.  I was always on a zoom call, team meeting, making dials, required to log my every move into a computer the day of, tracked, scored, audited and secret shopped.  If not doing that, with my “free time”, I was running over to help my son with his school, make his meals, clean what I could, then get back to it. I had no free time to use my hands and mouth to eat.

When I logged off and still getting emails/tasks, there was no break- it was time to throw something together for dinner and tend to personal emails, school emails, household duties. At that point, I often was too tired and stressed to eat, and still had too much to do preventing me from sitting down… if you can sense a lack of boundaries between work and home life, well, there were none. I was scared of losing my job and threatened about it nearly every week for a year. I was scared I wouldn’t be able to provide for my child if something happened. I was overwhelmed dreading each day as I knew it would be non-stop tasks and fires trying to be 5 people at once (mom/playmate, corporate businesswoman, cook, cleaner, teacher).

Having some quick premade meals became a must. I eat a mostly plant-based diet and most meal service kits rely on lots of meat and fish based foods.  Frozen meals from the store are an uneventful experience- often bland and boring or filled with undesirable additives.

I have tried nearly every Mosaic meal and loved them all with the exception of a few. With the seasonings and flavors, these meals are targeted towards adults, not young kids, but I ask my son to try them as he explores new flavors and foods. Our two favorites are the butternut squash and sage pasta and mac n’ greens. They also recently added Family Size portion options.

My Meal Problem Solution: Plant based, meal delivery service Mosaic Foods

Why Mosaic:  

  • Chef prepared meals with restaurant level quality
  • Plant Based
  • Clean label without toxic additives
  • No meal prep or cooking required- many meal services are ingredient delivery services that require an hour of preparation and cooking.  If that was possible with my schedule, I wouldn’t be looking for a meal delivery service and simply go by the store.
  • Real flavor and seasonings that taste like a real meal, not plastic bland grocery store frozen meal
  • Unique dishes that you will not find with any other meal delivery service
  • Affordable at less than $10 per meal
  • Free shipping with minimum order
  • Flexible terms not locking you into a required delivery frequency- pause, change the dates, do whatever you need to do.
  • Save money on tipping
  • Save time having premade meals delivered to your door

If you don’t love your meals, they offer a 100% refund no questions asked.

Follow me @ro_loves or @beautifulearthblog