Hello Beautiful!

Get to Know Ro

“There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It’s why you were born. And how you become truly most alive” Oprah Winfrey

Sometimes you might find that belief in yourself and in your miracle starts with just you.

It doesn’t matter if your friends and family believe in you. What matters is do you believe in you. What matters is if you decide to show up for yourself and make a choice not to give up.

My goal is to inspire you and show you that you have the power to succeed and shape your future regardless of where you started in life. My mission is to provide those with big dreams, goals and desires actionable steps leading to a successful life.

You have the power to change your life with a plan of action carried out consistently.

What’s Different About me…

I’m a California, New Englander, Southern girl with roots all over giving me the experience and taste of many ways of life. I’ll always appreciate a mix of the salty seas, mountains, country and city life. Having moved all over living with different people, I developed the ability to cope with anything that life throws at me. My strength came from my struggles. My power comes from learning how to overcome hardship and pain and transform into progress.

Growing up I always had big dreams. When there was no car or money for food, I looked forward to a future where I never went hungry. When I had no parent around taking care of me, I looked forward to one day being the best mom I could ever be.

Through my education at Northfield Mt. Hermon, I channeled my energy into self-improvement.

The head, the heart and the hand is the NMH motto- which means a love of learning, curiosity, pushing for excellence, giving back to others, overcoming challenges, kindness, the importance of physical fitness and healthy habits, hard work and being a contributing member of society.

What did it all mean…living with purpose, finding your meaning and adding value to the world and those around you.

A graduate of Tulane University, I put myself through college with a degree in English and Psychology. I graduated at 21 without a penny to my name, no car, no special connections, no special internship experience, no home to go to, and big dreams to be an entrepreneur and help the world.

As a 6 figure earner in real estate advertising, debt free, homeowner, self-made woman and mom, I want to use all I’ve learned along the way to help others reach their goals.