Choosing our daily mindset is essential for our happiness. However, there are some common things that have been normalized in modern life, that don’t make sense. These “normalized” conditions of our lives contribute heavily to stress, anxiety, illness and burnout. They need to change.

Here is my list:

5 Day Work Week– with all the tech advances we have made in modern life, it makes no sense we are working more than ever. With the quickness of an email sent, a video meeting, a cell phone call, our work systems are more efficient than ever, yet our work load has only increased. It leaves little or no time for taking care of necessary personal life duties such as taking care of your home, financial planning, doctor visits, family time and personal care.

No Lunch Break Culture- companies want you arriving at 8:30am, in meetings non stop, be on phones unable to eat while speaking, be behind a wheel, with no time allotted for basic administrative work necessary to maintain your job properly, work non stop until close of business, keep your phone on you at all times, and monitor your email after hours with zero time for basic health needs like eating lunch. This “work work work” toxic messaging given to most workers eliminates your humanity and removes your personal rights. Blocking out time for a lunch break is considered negligent and lazy. I have had to fight for taking 30 minutes of personal time to not be working so I can eat a meal or make a personal call, and often it was met with “no one said you can’t take a break, but you have to get this done” (and it is more than be fit into a day already).

Drivers Not Using Turn Signals– we have a right to be on the road with drivers who practice basic safety. It takes so little effort to help save a life on the road. A turn signal is not there for decoration.

Commuting- sitting hours in traffic to get to and from work for work you can do anywhere for supposed “bonding” (also known as time wasting chatter and toxic work place dynamics). It wears out your car, and companies do not cover this cost. You pay for gas, and companies do not cover this cost. You are polluting the earth on an overcrowded road system. You waste time that could be used for work or other important tasks. You risk your life driving exhausted day in and out.

Time Change– our bodies and brains do not function well with the changing of our clocks two times a year. It is insane at this point.

Elderly Being Dismissed– the obsession of youth over experience and knowledge is also insane. We treat the elderly like trash and dismiss them as irrelevant.

No Paid Family Leave– this is an essential service and human right for kids and parents.

Hatred Towards Women- we are the givers of our species and the givers of life. We are treated like nothing more than a series of body parts for a man’s entertainment and invisible worker there to keep a household going (enabling men to go after their career goals). If a woman works, she is criticized. If she doesn’t work, she is criticized. Woman tear down other women while excusing horrible behavior from men. Women tearing other women down for being single as if they are “less than”. There is deep hatred embedded into our society showing an extreme lack of respect for females.

Outdated Educational System– teaching subjects that focus on memorization vs true understanding. Expecting kids to be still and listen at all times and behave like robots. Expecting kids to have the same learning style. Not focusing on the strengths of each kid and giving them a chance to amplify their personal strengths. Focusing on push for college only, leading to debt for many and a job in corporate America.

Violence Towards Women and Kids– it is out of control and insane. Victims are often not believed until they are dead.

Kids Going Hungry- we do not have a food shortage and more food is thrown out vs. eaten, that could be used to feed hungry kids.

Medical Fees- out of control and our system is corrupt, especially for prescription medications.

Corporate Greed Normalizing Slave Labor– modern day slavery is destroying peoples lives. Companies continue to make record profits off the backs of their workers while not increasing wages to keep up with the cost of living. If they do raise wages, they then raise the price of their products passing it onto consumers, thereby wiping out the buying power of their tiny raise (while making record profits).

Poison in our Food System– additives , fake dyes, flavors and cancer causing agents in our food supply should not be accepted as part of business. Companies will kill you (literally over time) in order to make a buck.