Emotions, like your problems, will pass. There is always hope

Expect to work for what you want; do not expect what you want to be handed to you

Decide what you want, then plan what you have to do to make it happen

You must create and follow healthy habits consistently in order to be successful in life

Discipline now, creates freedom later

One of the hardest challenges in life is not letting others control your emotions. If you don’t learn to control your emotions, your life will be a roller coaster

Make a choice not to react; you don’t need to take on every battle

If you let others opinions and words affect you too much, then you will lose your path, plan and sight of your goals

Letting others get under your skin gives away your power

Don’t neglect basics of your health- sleep, water, movement, healthy diet

Nothing better than living a life where you can be yourself and be accepted for you who are

Every day start with 3 good things about yourself and 3 good things about your life

Every day set an intention and main goal to do something that is important to you

If you find fear is controlling your life, it’s time to work on the things that scare you most so they stop controlling you

Gratitude creates contentment- the happiness markers will always continue to change as soon as you get what you want

Discipline is the greatest power you have for the change you want to create in your life

Happiness is a temporary feeling and like other feelings, it comes and goes. A better goal is contentment and peace. If happiness only comes with dopamine hits of consumption, purchases, compliments and vacations, then in between you will be left unhappy. It’s purpose, love, connection that matters most

Only you have the power to change the dial in your head. Change your thoughts, change your life

Most of your troubles come from pain and anxiety over your past and future, keeping yourself in the present moment will help ease the burden

All or nothing thinking will set you up to fail; micro steps towards your goals is better than trying to do it all at once or give up

Giving back helps the giver as much as the recipient; ask yourself, how can I make someone’s day better