If you wait until you are in the mood or feel like doing something, chances are you will never reach your dreams and goals.  If you wait until you feel motivated or feel like trying, opportunities and people will move on and pass by leaving you wondering – “why am I still in the same position year after year”… If you wait until you feel like doing something, you will wake up wondering to yourself- “why am I not where I want to be…”

Most successful people and winners don’t feel like getting out of bed when it’s dark, working out an hour, eating a special diet to build immunity and strength, staying on task with their top priorities, driving to work, following a financial plan with budget or working more than one job, but they do it because they know the end result will pay off vs. giving in to the immediate gratification of doing nothing at all.

Winners don’t win every day.  Winners don’t feel up for the task or effort every day.  Winners fail. What they do is decide to keep going. Winners decide to give it their best more days than not.  Winners know there will be setbacks, but don’t toss in the towel at every obstacle, hardship and failure. Here are some examples:

I didn’t feel like driving back and forth 6 hours between two states as I navigated a custody battle while trying to sell my home, keep my job and food on the table for my son, but I did.

I didn’t feel like working holidays for jobs, but knew some of these times were the best time for me to make money to keep bills paid, roof over our heads and save for the future.

I didn’t feel catching a bus 6 days a week in highschool for my dance team class, but I did because I knew staying on the dance team was more important than my desire to rest.

I didn’t feel like doing 7 rounds of egg freezing while working 60+ hour weeks, in a 2 year custody battle, relocating states and jobs, but I did it in order to get a sufficient amount eggs and save my fertility.

I didn’t feel like working many times when I was sick, but faced with loss of income, I did, because I have a child depending on me and future I am saving for.

I didn’t feel like taking my toddler around cold calling on the weekends trying to get business handing out flyers, cards, doing gift drops, going to CPA offices, banks, and looking for new business, but he needed to be provided for and I had a future to build.

I haven’t felt like making 24-48 hour trips to travel and see friends, but I have because friendship requires effort.

I didn’t feel like being a dishwasher at age 15, but when they told me it was a boys job and the only job they had available, I made myself feel like it as no one was going to convince me I was a failure before I even tried

There were times in my life where I thought my pain would overpower my goals.  I have made many mistakes taking people and situations for granted.  These mistakes gave me the chance to see where I went wrong and what I could learn from them. Through these challenges, I learned it was only me who could make the decision to direct my focus and energy on what I needed to do.

 What Can You Do:

Do things when you don’t feel like it- your confidence will build

Take small actions daily

Come up with a list of goals and plans of action for the year, each month and each day

Don’t let a day of rest, or week of exhaustion or depression derail you

Quit the all or nothing attitude

Quit the perfection attitude

Change the dial in your head to positive affirmations vs. negative self talk when things don’t go as planned

Don’t wait until you are motivated, tell yourself do it just 15 minutes, then you may find your motivation, but if not, you took action for 15 minutes

Celebrate your small victories, not just the end result

Remember above all else to keep on moving- inaction will only lead to zero results

If you need mindset coaching for financial, health and relationship wellness, email me at bebeautifulearthblog@gmail.com