My Secret To The Best Skin Ever

The health of our skin is everything. Having clear, smooth skin with invisible pores is every woman’s dream. When we greet ourselves and the world each day, our skin is often what we notice first. We see fine lines, wrinkles, pimples, acne, redness, discoloration, spots, circles, pore size, blackheads, if dry, if shiny, redness etc. all with the desire to be the healthiest looking version of ourselves. Along with drinking water, sleep, sugar, stress (the big 4 I focus on), how you handle your skincare routine can have a huge and lasting impact on the youthful appearance of your skin. None of us wants our skin to look like this image below.

Regular face washing at night and in the morning paired with weekly exfoliation and moisturizing always seemed like a great plan to keep my skin in the best possible condition. Regardless of the moisturizers or serums I used, I began to notice my skin was often irritated and dry which was causing fine lines. My simple solution was one I had never considered- I stopped using water to cleanse my face.

In place of water, I now use a cream cleanser that I wipe off with a wash cloth. I also began a weekly oil cleansing process using a slightly damp warm wash cloth. My favorite cream cleanser is by Earth Science (pictured below), and it is great for removing all the gunk and makeup off your face after a long day. No more parched skin and zero breakouts.

To keep your skin supple, youthful and softer, I highly recommend removing water from your daily morning and evening skin care routine. I stopped using water and have never looked back.