Way back in my fat free days when I eliminated all fat from my diet, I thought fat was the enemy to my health and a good body.  Growing up as a dancer and focused on being in shape, I simply believed all fat was bad. In order to what I thought would translate to keeping myself in the best possible condition, I ate as little fat as possible.  Years later as an adult, I tried the low carb diet plans which let’s face it, wouldn’t last beyond a week as can’t keep this girl away from a good carb load for long.  The older I get, the more sedentary my life has become and harder I have to work at keeping my muscle.  My jobs where I went from being on my feet as an event planner, have evolved into sitting long hours behind the wheel or behind a desk. The change has made it harder to maintain and build muscle that I took for granted for so many years.  Fat counting and low carb has gone out the window, and finding ways to increase my protein intake is in.

Any time I find a way to get protein without being forced to make a messy protein shake or expensive protein bar, I get excited.  Dave’s Killer Bagels is my favorite find this week.

Here We Go- My Favorite Protein Find This Week: Dave’s Killer Protein Bagel paired with whipped cream cheese, topped with diced veggies and dash salt and pepper to taste.

13 grams protein plus 7 grams with whipped cream cheese- 20 grams

Whole grains, non GMO, organic, fiber, & iron

It is a well rounded, quick, filling 5 minute meal. Enjoy!