How To Use Oils To Cleanse Your Face

I grew up using foaming face wash and water to clean my face every morning and every night. Although I never struggled with acne, my skin was always on the dry side regardless of how much moisturizer I used. As I grew older, unfortunately blackheads began appearing with more frequency on my nose regardless of what products I used. I tried drinking more water, using different makeup and new moisturizers, yet nothing worked. No matter what I did, the blackheads kept coming and to my dismay, continued staring back at me in the mirror. After doing some research, I learned that dry skin would increase oil production which would then result in an abundance of blackheads. Yikes. What better way to fight dryness then to go straight to source- oil to fight the overproduction of oil in your pores. I discovered a vast selection of oils that can be used to remove grime and makeup from the skin without the drying process of soapy water. With so many types of oils to choose from, it will take some trial and error to determine which oils will work best on your skin. The first staple oil is castor oil. The castor oil helps draw out impurities and is essential for safely getting rid of blackheads without excessive picking at your skin. The best part is castor oil can be purchased for $10 which is MUCH more cost effective than trips to get expensive facials. The next step is finding a combination of oils that will keep your skin moisturized, fight wrinkles and improve the appearance without causing any breakouts. I began with coconut oil, but learned it was not right for my skin. Next, I tried almond oil and sunflower oils which both worked well, but did not improve the appearance of my skin. I tried an olive oil, grape seed and jojoba oil mix and found it was not moisturizing enough. Apricot oil and rosehip oils are my current go to oils as they provide great moisturizing qualities, no breakouts, soothe irritated skin and improve my skins overall appearance.

Oil Cleanse For Face

Here are the steps for the most effective results for your heated oil cleanse:

1- Massage castor oil on your blackhead problem areas

2- Massage your selected oil/oils over the castor oil and to cover your entire face. Let the oils soak into your skin for 10 minutes.

3- Take a washcloth and warm it up with hot water, or dampen and place in microwave to warm up

4- Place warm washcloth over your face to open up warms and release dirt trapped in your pores

5- After make up and dirt is removed, finish with regular moisturizing cream.

I began doing this treatment once a week, but was so happy with the results that I began to use oil to cleanse my face on a nightly basis. For my regular treatments, I do not apply any heat, I simply massage oils into my face and use a washcloth to wipe clean and remove makeup and dirt from the day. The result- no more blackheads, no more dry skin and the best skin of my adult life. Happy oil cleansing!