3 Tips For More Energy
We all need more energy…. whether it be just to get up in the morning, our jobs, school, children, helping friends and family, fitness goals, life goals- many of us are looking for a boost to keep going. Sorry coffee lovers, but even that yummy goodness is not the answer.
The 3 I have focused on the most are my 3 S Factors as I call them-
Sleep, Stress, Sugar.
Sleep- For those that can get by on 6 hours of sleep and truly function at a high level and feel great day in and out, that is impressive, but most of us need 7 to 9 to feel our best. I notice a stark difference in my attitude, my brain power and my ability to workout based on just sleep alone.
Stress-Avoiding stress is impossible. Most of us start our day in stress mode to get things done and wanting to make the best decisions for ourselves- trying to get the kids ready and out the door, making sure our pets are okay, handling bills, work emails or school assignments coming at us, traffic, what to wear, what and when to eat, whether to spend money, are we going finish that project, make that sale, does my partner help, am I reaching my goals, etc. But if you can find a way to take care of your health in other ways, your stress levels will automatically go down. With less stress you will be able to tackle these things with much more ease.
Sugar- I am a dessert queen without question. Going a full week without something sweet feels like I am on a severe diet that needs to end immediately. What I have noticed is a desire for sweetness can easily be satisfied with strawberries for example vs. a candy bar. When I am tired, I am more stressed, when I am more stressed, I am tired and my solution in the past has been sugar! It creates a vicious cycle.
To keep sleep cycles, sugar balanced and stress in check, here are 3 Quick Tips to help your energy and give you the boost needed without resorting to sugar loaded coffee drinking.
1- Take Iron and Vitamin D Supplements- In addition to my regular multi-vitamin, both these supplements have changed my life. Not eating red meat, pork and rarely poultry, my iron levels are often low. My vitamin D levels, which I got tested for, were extremely low as well. Both were causing severe exhaustion. Iron needs to be taken on an empty stomach and not with calcium, so having it come within the multi-vitamin is not enough on its own. Vitamin D affects many things including energy, back pain, memory, healing, hair, mood and more. Taking both has significantly helped fight exhaustion.
2-Walking- This one habit change has completely transformed my world. I am not a fan of gyms. Often other demands like fighting the traffic from work to get my child, then to get the gym while also needing to make dinner, feed my munchkin, help with homework and more all withing a very narrow window of time just do not work with heading to the gym after work. Walking requires no expense, no driving, is possible for the majority of the population and requires no special skill. The benefits include fresh air, being closer to nature and the world, a boost in self esteem, improved mental state, better functioning of your body, and a huge boost in energy.
3- Water- Everyone knows we should drink water (not from plastic bottles), yet we often want soda, coffee, tea or juice. Drinking enough water can be boring and annoying, but the payout is huge. When I actually began to monitor my water, I realized I was crippling myself by too often only having a glass or two a day. I drank coffee or tea, worked through lunch, maybe drinking nothing all day (not realizing it as I was go go go), then would have some water at home at night. I could not figure out why I felt so badly until I began tracking my water intake carefully. When I occasionally fall back into old habits, I notice the difference immediately and know exactly what I need to do.
All 3 Tips are changes you make in one day, like right now, go do it! You will notice a difference within a week. Change your energy, change your life