Diets do not work. Just saying the word feels restrictive, and makes me feel like I need to go eat as much as possible before the diet even starts. A diet feels like I am being punished and deprived of food I want. If the diet does work, it is generally for a select few, and the results frequently go away when the diet is done as you go back to your “regular life”. When the pounds creep back once this diet is complete, then another diet must be started. With the idea of a diet often about restriction and temporary changes vs. consistent, permanent lifestyle changes, I say f**k diets!
Habits- healthy habits are what matters. Changing your habits can lead to the creation of a new version of yourself. Think about what your small choices are each day. Then consider the environmental factors you can easily control to set yourself up to feel better and look better. Before you mindlessly eat and go through your day, stop- take a moment and try out the simple tips below.
1- Before you take that bite, wait 15 minutes. Do something else and determine if it is truly food you need. If you still feel hungry after waiting and determine it is true hunger driving you, choose to eat something that won’t cause you to binge. Once I open a bag of chips, my hand just wants to keep diving in and grabbing more without even thinking if I am actually hungry or not. However, for foods like vegetables and fruits, say a carrot for example, it is much easier to avoid a calorie blow out. Have you ever binged on carrots….I know I have not.
2- Drink a glass of water. Often hunger is mistaken for dehydration. I leave a glass by the fridge so I am reminded to drink water daily. I drink before snacks and meals, then see how hungry I truly am. It works.
3- Keep water with lemon and/or fruit ready to drink in the fridge. Let’s face it, some of us get bored of plain water and crave something sweet. I have found fruit water is refreshing and makes me want to drink it as opposed to looking at it like a chore.
4- Brush your teeth or if you can’t, pop a mint. Minty freshness and stuffing yourself with food do not go hand in hand. This could prevent unwanted eating.
5- Stay out of the kitchen. How many times have you found yourself opening up the pantry rummaging around for god knows what, or just opening the fridge to find something, anything? Just stay away and that simple change in setting could help you win your battle to eat better.
6- Don’t buy foods you can’t control eating – For me, it is Tate’s cookies. I will eat the whole dang bag within days. What is your can’t stop food- ice cream, candy, pastries…whatever it is make it easy on yourself and just do not bring it in the house. If you can’t easily access it, you won’t be fighting the overwhelming urge to not eat it.
7- Take a walk. A walk distracts you. The exercise also often curbs your appetite. Bonus- you feel better getting your body moving!
8- Journal or draw. The word “journaling” can sound too cheesy or silly for some that don’t want to rehash experiences or ruminate over certain feelings. However, your journal could be anything- maybe it is listing life goals, writing bucket lists or daily goals. Perhaps writing or art could be for dreams you had, what you have done, painting, creative writing, stories about your kids, or maybe it is venting or simply a stream of thoughts. Do something to get away from using food as your coping tool in life.
9- Get more sleep. When I don’t get enough all I want to do is eat to fight the exhaustion. My body simply does not function well without it and my sugar cravings skyrocket. Turn off the TV/Netflix. Shut down your computer and social media. It will be there tomorrow.
10- Take vitamins. I notice a big difference in a reduction in cravings when I take vitamins. I know for sure that when I take non-chemical filled multi vitamins, vitamin d, fish oil, co-enzyme q10, and iron, my mindless eating is reduced.
11- Call a friend. For some, food is a friend and a source of comfort. Be sure you have someone you can talk to about life. Not text, not social media, but actually speak to in person or over the phone.
12- Wear your workout clothes to bed. This may sound silly, but sometimes all it takes is that one step to prevent you from getting started. You wake up ready to go, and it is one less reason to avoid exercising. Tell yourself you will do something physical for 5 minutes. Once the 5 minutes is up, even if it is just stretching, you did something good for your body and self-esteem.
13- Replace tea for coffee and soda water for regular soda. This will save you tons of calories and prevent overloading on tons of sugar (fake or real). My favorite soda water that I love love is SpinDrift. It has just enough flavor to be a step above plain water, and does not have the nasty sugars that lead to increased hunger or headaches from regular soda.
14- Always keep fresh fruit on hand. Any time you crave sugar or a snack, fruit is the best. This choice is much better than stuffing yourself with ice cream or cookies. One of my favorite treats is whipping up homemade whipped cream with stevia and pairing it with fruit. Fruit satisfies the sugar craving, and your body will be much happier with that choice over a bag of m&m’s or bag of chips.
15- Add more healthy proteins to your diet. Not having enough protein will definitely affect your appetite. Not being a big meat eater, I always struggle with eating enough protein. I found a simple way to get more protein by mixing almond milk with chocolate protein powder and a peanut powder mix. It is a miracle for busy mornings. It is quick, easy and filling.
Once any compulsive urge to eat passes, you will be stronger and able to withstand not giving into that urge with every temptation and short lived pleasure. When you take time to monitor your behavior and the feelings behind it, you will be better prepared to make long term habit changes.
Mindfulness will get you there!