Life feels unstable; you don’t know if one “wrong” word or action will send your partner into a rage
Every day feels like the relationship could be over, but for no particular reason
Constantly second guessing yourself and worried about what you are saying and doing
Feeling like you can’t relax in the relationship
Fights over nothing and everything
Your tone, your look, your presence is an aggravation
Not feeling safe, secure or supported
Never sure if they are coming or going with constant threats to break up
Ignoring messages including calls, texts, and on social media
Ignoring you at home and treating you like an annoyance (different than taking space or quiet time)
No showing to planned meals, events or commitments
Not caring if you are sick- offering no help, comfort or support
Your partner giving their all to everyone except you
Rolling their eyes when you share a feeling, opinion or need
Flirting with others in front of you and accusing you of being jealous, crazy, insecure, and controlling if you dare to speak up
Flirting with others behind your back acting as if single
Refusing to plan anything with you
Abandoning you while out at night and not caring if you are safe or get home safely
Dropping plans when anything comes up or anyone asks them to do something
Withholding affection and comfort
Withholding sex to punish you and it is only on their terms and timetable
Lack of responsiveness- you could be laying bleeding on the floor and they wouldn’t notice or care
Lack of attention to your life
Walking away, no eye contact, or getting on their phone while you speak
Doesn’t make an effort to ask about your dreams, goals, needs, or desires
Turning to their parents for decision vs. you as their partner
Trashing you to their family, co-workers and women at work painting you as this terrible person they are putting up with
Using this idea of “we” (imaginary committee) to gang up against you
Values opinion of co-workers, strangers, friends, EVERYONE except you, even in regards to parenting your own kids together
Silent treatments (not quiet time)- refusing all regular communication and cutting off all contact even when you share a home
No energy for sex, but plenty of energy for porn
Constant belittling remarks that put you down
Mocking or mimicking you
Getting angered or disgusted by you getting sick, sad or having any sort of issue
Constantly pointing out things they don’t like regarding your appearance
Feeling disposable
Will offer very little encouragement, but expect lots of encouragement from you
Don’t care about your wins/successes or supporting your small victories