1 Pair of Must Have Winter Boots

Growing up in my early years as a kid in California and in Georgia briefly, moving up to Maine was the shock of a lifetime. I learned what a real winter was like very quickly. Hello snow, sleet, and ice! Welcome to shoveling steps and long walks in the freezing cold trudging through snow. Winter gear or where to get it was not even on my radar. I soon learned that above all the rest, there was one go to source for outdoor and winter gear…a place called L.L. Bean. Established in Maine in 1912, this iconic store has an over 100 hundred year history that began with one man’s need for an outdoor boot to withstand Maine weather. It was in this store that I discovered what every Mainer just had to have- their rubber bottom and leather topped lace up boots.

The only problem was these boots were about $80 which back in my school days was a huge chunk of change and not what my family wanted to spend. I begged, pleaded and fought to get these boots. My family finally succumbed and I can say it was one of the best purchases ever made as little did any of us know I would have these boots for life.

L.L. Bean Boots

Bought with love in my middle school years, now many years later as an adult they are still just as great in style and quality as they were back then.

One of my favorite winter styles is a classic and traditional look. Items that will never go out of style. Items that will endure and stand the test of time. Items that go with pretty much everything. Maine L.L.Bean boots make all of the above come to life.